Day Trips and Travel for Adults 55+
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Reservations New Orleans
Online Registration Form for August 2-5, 2018
Indicates required field
1. First and Last Name
[object Object]
Please be sure to check email for any updates the day before your trips!
Cell Phone
If you will have a cell phone with you on the trip, please list that number. You may also be contacted by phone prior to trip.
Home Phone
Phone accepts texts?
Only short texts - not a smart phone
Payment options:
Check by mail
By Credit Card / Paypal Online
You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay online.
How many rooming together?
2 - Double
3 - Triple (request invoice for online payment)
4 - Quad (request invoice for online payment)
1 - Single occupant (request invoice for online payment)
Other persons you will room with registering separately:
Group you are associated with, if any
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Allergies, comments, or anything we should know about
Emergency Contact Name & Number
Medical Conditions/Medications we should know about
Please list below any medical conditions you have or medications/dosages we need to be aware of.
Doctor's name/s and number/s
Reservation is not confirmed until $150 deposit is received. Monies will be deposited when trip is confirmed to be a "GO" with ample registrations. We will send out final invoices with optional add-ons in May. Thank you!
When you click the "submit" button, the form should disappear and give you a note with instructions. If not, check the form for missing info and submit again.
Mailing address
Ageless Adventures, PO Box 1794, Stockbridge, GA 30281
First submit above Reservation Form, then you can send check or pay here.
Pay $150 deposit online here
Day Trips & Domestic
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